Board Member – Lisa McLain
February 15, 2023
Up next for our February leader feature is Board Member, Lisa McLain! Lisa has served as one of the founding members of the Verity’s Village Board of Directors. As a passionate advocate for the value of all human life, Lisa has helped raise awareness for our mission by organizing community events. She also volunteers as an assistant with our care package program. Lisa, thank you so much for allowing us to ask you a few questions about yourself!

Our written interview included below focuses on each leader’s life, family, and motivation for being a part of Verity’s Village, as well as a few fun facts about their lives.

Lisa, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
I grew up in Minnesota, have lived in Colorado since marrying my husband, Todd, nearly 33 years ago and have two adult children. After working 28 years as a Registered Dietitian, I got my real estate license and jumped into Todd’s real estate business full time. I love outdoor activities, water sports, reading, cooking (although I’ve been a bit less motivated where that’s concerned recently) and spending time as a family.
What is something funny that no one would guess about you?
Since I grew up on a farm, I have combined, swathed, plowed, hoed and disked fields, albeit rather reluctantly. More fact than funny 🙂
What is your favorite drink?
Without hesitation: coffee!
What is your favorite board game?
What is your top 3 favorite podcasts/books/musical artist (you choose)?
I’m always listening to podcasts or a book, but the weekdays wouldn’t be the same without “The Briefing” by Al Mohler and “Breakpoint” by Colson Center. So many books, so little time!
How long have you served Verity’s Village?
2 years
Why did you join with Verity’s Village mission?
I believe that all people are made in the image of God, with purpose and that life is sacred. We developed a friendship with Ted and Beverly through a home Bible study when Verity was still an infant. When the opportunity arose to serve on the Board, I was thrilled!
What is the most important thing you have done with Verity’s Village?
As a means of getting the word out about Verity’s Village and providing pro-life education, I held a Celebrate Life brunch for 30 guests. Both Beverly and another friend, Catherine Wheeler, MD, passionately shared their stories and pro-life apologetics.

Thank you, Lisa, for sharing about your life, your family, and your passion for Verity’s Village!

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