Board Member – Shauna Bromell
December 14, 2022
Drumroll, please! This December, we are featuring Shauna Bromell, one of our dedicated board members. Our goal is to feature each of those who serve behind the scenes for Verity’s Village to allow our followers and members to get to know the people who make Verity’s Village possible. Shauna, thank you so much for allowing us to ask you a few questions about yourself!

Our written interview included below focuses on each leader’s life, family, and motivation for being a part of Verity’s Village, as well as a few fun facts about their lives.

Shauna, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
I am first and foremost a Follower of Christ. I am a wife, a homeschooling momma, all while running a crafting business from home in Texas.
Can you tell us about your family?
I am married to an amazing US soldier Rijente, and mother to 4 beautiful girls: Faith currently working , Jasmine who is studying music at The Masters University in Santa Clarita, CA, Princess who is homeschooling in the 11th grade, and Olivia who is homeschooling in the 8th grade. We have a toy poodle named Lila.
What is something funny that no one would guess about you?
One thing I think is funny that no one knows is I do not eat chocolate and when people find out it evokes such strong emotions!
What is your favorite drink?
My favorite drink is Vernors Gingerale.
What is your favorite board game?
My favorite board game is Sequence.
What is your top 3 favorite podcasts/books/musical artist (you choose)?
Just Thinking Podcast with Virgil Walker and Darrell Harrison, Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey, and Hymn Stories with Ryan Bush
How long have you served Verity’s Village?
One year
Why did you join with Verity’s Village mission?
I joined with Verity’s Village because I believe each and every child has value and worth because of Christ and that each family should know that they have a community of people who love and pray for them, that want to come alongside them through this journey. That is exactly what Verity’s Village does!
What is the most important thing you have done with Verity’s Village?
So far I have gotten the word out in my community and connected families to Verity’s Village and a friend recently told me how encouraged she was by the organization. My hope is to continue using the gifts God has given me to do just that.

Thank you, Shauna, for sharing about your life, your family, and your passion for Verity’s Village!

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