Crashanda’s Story: God Has a Plan!
July 13, 2022

In June 2022, Crashanda shared with Verity’s Village the ongoing story of her pregnancy. After learning in February she was expecting her 6th child, she experienced a number of early complications, leading to further testing, after which she met with her doctor in early April to go over results. Below is the story in her own words, edited for space and clarity.
Crashanda’s Story: God Has a Purpose! God Has a Plan!
On April 5th, I received the most devastating news! The doctor told me my pregnancy may not go to term….that the ultrasound demonstrated a large cystic hygroma from the neck down below my baby’s abdomen. The doctor told me this is usually found in fetuses with chromosome abnormalities, often seen in babies with Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). He told me I would receive a call from MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) for follow up testing. He told me he was sorry! I replied I had a relationship with God, so everything was going to be ok.
I had mixed emotions and cried once I returned home. I searched the internet for information on cystic hygromas and Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome). Everything I read was really news and articles of no hope.
April 15th, 2022, I had the first visit with MFM genetic counseling, followed by an ultrasound, then an OB appointment. It was a long day: 3 visits with lots of information and reports. I learned that results from my prequel non-invasive testing showed my baby was high risk for Trisomy 18….The genetic counselor explained to me what Trisomy 18 was (baby had 3 sets of the 18th chromosome instead of 2 sets). She told me that these babies are labeled as not compatible with life, and they did not live long. She told me most people who receive a diagnosis like this would terminate the pregnancy. She told me about the abnormalities and the birth defects they often see in babies with Trisomy 18.
She also offered me future testing to confirm that my baby had Trisomy 18. I declined the the testing. I told her I wished to continue with my pregnancy, and she reminded me that in the state of NC you can only terminate your pregnancy up until the end of the 20th week and after that I would have to precede with the pregnancy. I was ok with continuing.
That day I received an ultrasound, and it confirmed my baby had a large cystic hygroma from the forehead down the spine. I saw the doctor, and she gave me all results. I told her I can’t give a life, so I have no right to take a life. My baby had a heartbeat, so that is life and was forming in my womb.
After the visit, I was a little timid to know how things would be from day to day. But I was reminded the battle was not mine, it was the Lord’s! All I need was just enough faith of a mustard seed. I had that mustard seed of faith because even with the ongoing bleeding, my baby was continuing to thrive! To God be the glory!
That day forward I was determined to trust the process. I know Romans 8:28 — God works ALL things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose! I knew God had a purpose and a plan for my life, and my sweet baby has purpose. My baby has a heartbeat, so that is life that only God can give! I had made up my mind to go as far in my pregnancy that God allowed.
I then learned that I needed support and encouragement, because this was not the original normal pregnancy I had previously experienced 5 times. I searched the internet looking for support groups. I’m blessed I found Verity’s Village and From Diagnosis to Delivery! I thanked God, and I sent a request to become a part of the group. Beverly Jacobson accepted me with love and concern into her village! I have found this to be a safe place, a place for encouragement, a place for support as well as a place to get educated on a life-limited diagnosis.
I call Beverly my Angel sent from God because of letting God direct her path. I’m now able to endure, and I have great hope even in my heartache! I have connected with many expecting moms, moms who have delivered and are caring for these special babies, and parents in bereavement, who I truly thank God for, because their testimonies give you hope and still God gets the glory when their sweet angels gained their wings! I have learned through them that this was one of the most precious trials that they endured, and they are thankful for all the time, every moment, and their lives were forever changed!
In this group you are not alone. Because of this group, doctor visits are easier now, because my unborn baby has the same diagnosis that some of these sweet babies have had, and they are still thriving! I believe all our babies are beautiful and wonderfully made! I believe the report of the Lord! They say my sweet baby girl has a large VSD, a small stomach, a 2-vessel umbilical cord, chloride plexus cysts, measuring 1 week behind, polyhydramnios, and one kidney. I know God is a healer! No matter the report we receive! I trust God, and I pray God’s will be done!
I say to other moms who are walking these same shoes, continue your pregnancy! Celebrate and be thankful each day! I am so glad I continued my pregnancy, because the reports I have received, nothing is too hard for God. If God brought us to it, He is going to bring us through it. I give God the glory! I was chosen to mother a special baby! If you are not willing to endure the journey, you will never know what the ending could be!

I say thank you, blessings, love and my prayers are with each of you! Thanks for the opportunity for letting me share our story. Today is Saturday, June 11, 2022, and I’m 21 weeks and 4 days today! Thanks Verity’s Village for the care package and all the support. You make a difference and are impacting lives everywhere.
Crashanda L.

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