Janie’s Story: Love Has No Limits

March 12, 2025

Mama Bear Care exists to support mamas who receive a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis to provide them with support, education, counseling, and community. Each mama comes to our community with a different diagnosis and with a different story. Each baby has value, dignity, and life, no matter the diagnosis or the length of their little life. When we tell the story of a mama and her baby, we hope that we encourage one more mama to realize that her hope is not in ending her baby’s life, but embracing it.

Today, we are introducing you to a mama who embraced her sweet baby. Janie’s son Gabriel was diagnosed with acrania. Later, her family learned the acrania progressed to anencephaly. Janie agreed to share their story and a few of their precious photos of their family with Gabriel.

Thank you Janie for sharing! We love spending time learning about Gabriel and cherishing the time you spent with him.

Janie and Gabriel’s Story: Love Has No Limits

“Our baby (Gabriel) had acrania which turned into anencephaly.  Anencephaly is a fatal birth defect. It occurs when the fetal brain and skull do not develop in your uterus as expected.

We learned of the diagnosis about 10 weeks into the pregnancy. We were told that our baby wouldn’t live long after birth and we may not even make it to 40 weeks.”

As you can see in Janie’s pictures below love has no limits! Janie, her husband, and her daughter were able to spend precious time with Gabriel. We hope you love the pictures below as much as we have!

anencephaly diagnosis
Gabriel - diagnosis anencephaly
Gabriel - diagnosis anencephaly
Heart Divider

Do you have your own diagnosis that you are experiencing? Do you need support? Join our Facebook group here.

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Follow Mama Bear Care on Facebook and Instagram for more information and education on the various diagnoses parents face and their stories of hope.