Miracle Babies: Twin Born with Trisomy 18
December 9, 2021
In January of 2021 Steven and Maria learned they were pregnant….with twins! At Maria’s 12 week checkup, her Doctor strongly advised her to take part in the genetic screening. Because of the doctor’s persistence, Maria agreed to the screening. Steven shares the following about these miracle babies:
“A few weeks after the test, we received a phone call that would change our lives even more than a twin diagnosis. The call came from Maria’s OBGYN office to let Maria know that “Fetus A” (who is now known to us all as Victoria June) flagged the test for a high probability of having Trisomy 18. As soon as Maria said the word, I googled it and we were shattered. A google search will tell you that Trisomy 18 is a rare chromosomal condition associated with abnormalities in many parts of the body. Due to the presence of several life-threatening medical problems, many individuals with trisomy 18 die before birth or within their first month. The immediate resolution to this problem according to doctors is of course to terminate the pregnancy. Maria and I chose to proceed with our pregnancy.”
The couple consulted with Boston Children’s Hospital. Staff assured them they would receive excellent care for both babies if needed. However, the couple ended up delivering closer to home at a hospital in Albany. On September 11 at 2:18am and 2:19am, miracle babies Victoria June and Anthony Michael arrived via emergency C-section.

Transitioning Home
Tori, as they call her, remains in the NICU. Awhile ago her brother came home to stay with the rest of the family. With 4 older children at home as well, Steven and Maria have a lot to juggle right now!
Maria admits she and Steve “struggle with knowing Tori is safe where she is and wanting her home so desperately. We are hopeful she will be home soon, which is scary and will require a ton of change in our house. We pray we can get help to handle the amount of care she requires and that we are able to keep her safe and alive at home!”
Verity’s Village thanks God for these precious babies and the opportunity to be a small part of their village of support!