Rosalie Walker
November 15, 2024
Our baby was given a “lethal” diagnosis at our 20 week anatomy scan. We were told she had “agnathia otocephaly”. Her ears were where her jaw should be, she didn’t have a mouth or nose and she had one centrally located eye. Her head was smaller than it should be and her brain didn’t split. Knowing there wasn’t anything we could do, we often prayed she would pass on her own before birth. Thankfully God didn’t listen to us, and gave us an hour and a half with our sweet baby.

Our family will forever have a missing family member. We miss our Rosalie so much. Some days, it’s just not enough to know she’s safe and happy in Heaven. We just want her with us!

This journey isn’t something I would ever wish on my worst enemy. However, the connections and support we have received have helped so much. It’s not a club anyone wants to belong to, but it’s comforting and amazing to be surrounded by those who have walked this journey. It’s also a comfort to be able to talk to and help others. Rosalie wasn’t ever meant to stay with us. That’s something I try to remember daily.

Verity’s village group has been a great source to be able to vent and even help others! Beverly is so sweet and kind. In the welcome package, there was so much good information sent. Helpful things for our daughter as well! And the cutest little smocked dress and bonnet. It’s something I would have bought for her if I knew I could! So grateful for everything, sent and all the support.