Social Media Manager – Brooke Shambley
January 9, 2023
While still actively collecting interviews from our last few board members, I decided to take January to introduce myself, Brooke Shambley. As the Social Media Manager for Verity’s Village, I create regular content for our Facebook and Instagram page alongside Beverly Jacobson. In addition to social media duties, I also help compile blog posts from our parents and post the Leader Feature segments. Serving in this role has been a growing experience for me as I seek to perform a set of online tasks as a ministry. Simply posting ‘content’ is not enough, this content must minister to the hearts and lives of the parents we serve.

The written interview below focuses on each leader’s life, family, and motivation for being a part of Verity’s Village, as well as a few fun facts about their lives.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
I am a Navy wife, homeschool mom, and foster mom. While I went to school for Interior Design, I have worn many hats as we’ve moved around the world. I have worked in interior design and as a blogger, built websites, created PDF printables, became a doula, taught kombucha and bone broth classes, and tutored homeschool classes. The most important element these have in common is ministering to and providing practical support to women and families.
Can you tell us about your family?
My husband is a Navy guy, so basically that means we get to move every two to three years to a new and generally exciting location. We have one son who just became a teenager, or as I keep reminding him, “a young adult.” As a family, we love to travel, visit National Parks, play board games, and also video games. Also, our family has had the opportunity to foster three children who have been able to reunite with their families.
What is something funny that no one would guess about you?
I love to roller skate, and was once a carhop at Sonic.
What is your favorite drink?
With the effort I put into getting it, my favorite drink would have to be raw milk.
What is your favorite board game?
I really love the board game Carcassonne.
What is your top 3 favorite podcasts/books/musical artist (you choose)?
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis; Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk; and Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (yeah, I know, it’s embarrassing)
How long have you served Verity’s Village?
Since April of 2022
Why did you join with Verity’s Village mission?
When Beverly first asked me to meet a small need for Verity’s Village, I was happy to fulfill the task just to provide help in general. After she invited me to come on board with social media, I realized that I wanted to join the larger purpose of Verity’s Village. I wanted to help create social media posts that would minister to the mothers and fathers we already had in our community, but also to seek out those who had not yet found this supportive community. As I have served, I have also been blessed to share the stories of the parents and their babies through blog posts and social media. It is like being handed a precious treasure that I have the privilege of revealing to the world . . . it moves me to tears.
What is the most important thing you have done with Verity’s Village?
While my social media efforts are important, I know that God’s hand at work in our lives is more important. When I pray for the parents in our community, I believe that is the most important work.

Follow Verity’s Village on Facebook and Instagram for more information and education on the various diagnoses parents face and their stories of hope.
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