What I Would Have Missed: Part 3
January 17, 2024
When parents join our Verity’s Village community, they have often received a “fatal prenatal diagnosis” according to their doctors. At Verity’s Village, we choose the phrase “life-limiting” prenatal diagnosis, as we know and our parents know that their babies have a time to be with their parents however long that might be. In the post below, and in Parts 1 and 2 of “What I Would Have Missed” our parents share with us the precious moments of life that they treasure. Read below to know what our parents would have missed if they had not continued their pregnancy with their baby with a diagnosis.
Didn’t catch PART 1 or 2? Read Part 1 here or Part 2 here.

At Verity’s Village, we know that with a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis, we don’t have an “easy out.” Ending a pregnancy will not remove the grief and often adds guilt. Instead we encourage parents to ask, “How can we go on loving our baby through the pain and the grief?” “How can we focus on the moments with our baby that will give us hope to walk this out?”
Our precious Verity’s Village parents have answered the question “What would I have missed if I had not carried my baby with a prenatal diagnosis to term?” We hope their answers bless you, give you hope, and allow you to focus on those precious moments you DO have.

I would have missed the undeniable peace the Lord has given me by leaving my little boy’s fate 100% in His hands I never have to ask myself “did I make the right choice?” – Jill G.

“I would have missed the incredible 7 months of my baby Abel’s life and the ministry he left! He made more of an impact than some people make in 70 years of life. He blessed us beyond words!” – Jes C.

“I would have missed out on our son who is nearly 6 months old and going from strength to strength with very little if any difficulties at all! We weren’t given any hope for his survival with a lethal skeletal dysplasia diagnosis. 99% he would die shortly after birth! We were strongly advised to terminate … we quite literally thank the Lord that we had faith in Him!!!” – Beth S.

Don’t miss a second. Our parents love the term “compatible with life” and “compatible with love” as they are often told that their babies are “incompatible with life” and have a “fatal prenatal diagnosis.” The love parents develop for their baby in the womb does not disappear when a diagnosis is received. At Verity’s Village, we support the families who have received a life-limiting diagnosis during their pregnancy. Our desire is to connect parents with a community of other parents who are dealing and have dealt with a prenatal diagnosis. We also send our parents a care package to encourage them on their journey. Thank you for learning more about our Verity’s Village community, their experiences, and we invite you to follow us for Part 4!
Follow Us for Part 4!
Follow us on social media to see Part 4 of our “What I would have missed” Series.
How to Join with Verity’s Village
➊ If you are a parent who has received a life limiting prenatal diagnosis for your baby, join our community group to connect with other parents who are also facing a diagnosis → https://www.facebook.com/groups/diagnosistodelivery
➋ If you want to find out more about our mission and what we do here at Verity’s Village, sign up for our e-mail list → https://mamabearcare.org/join-the-village/
➌ If you love what you see and want to partner with Verity’s Village to support families who have received a diagnosis as well as our future projects to educate the community on the value of these precious lives, become a monthly donor here → https://donate.mamabearcare.org/donate?amount=50&term=monthly

Brooke Shambley
Public Relations and Social Media for Verity’s Village