If I Had Known…

September 11, 2021

If I had known… If I had known your sweet face would utterly take my breath away… If I had known your once tightly clenched fists would open up to pat my arm… If I had known your crinkly-eyed grin would light up our world… If I had known your tiny feet, clubbed at birth, […]


Verity Is on the MOVE!

July 21, 2021

Verity has places to go, people to see, and things to DO! 😂🥰 It’s been over 3 years since the “Go, Baby, Go” event when we got this car. At the time, Verity was SO tiny. We had to prop her in place with all kinds of pillows and things around her to keep her upright and […]


Verity’s Village – An Update on Our New Nonprofit

July 19, 2021

Things are happening fast around here, and Mom (aka Beverly) is spinning lots of plates at once…meanwhile…Verity has it made in the shade! If you haven’t heard our BIG NEWS, we have started a nonprofit ministry! Born of a dream that began in our hearts in the midst of desperate times in the early months […]


18 Ways Verity Has Changed Our Lives

May 18, 2021

This is our FIFTH year to celebrate Trisomy Awareness Month! March is the third month, and as a trisomy condition means there is a third chromosome, it makes sense that March 18 would be Trisomy 18 Awareness Day! In honor of the occasion, here are 18 ways our sweet Verity Irene has changed our lives… […]
